So you've booked a family photo shoot outdoors but what if it rains? This is a genuine concern because, let's face it, when can you ever really rely on the Great British weather playing ball?!
But you've put so much effort into getting this photoshoot booked and planned. You've got everyone on board, you've picked all your complementary outfits, and you're really excited. But then you look at the 10 day forecast and uh-oh... Panic sets in. Because you really don't want to have your family photo shoot outdoors in the rain - your hair will go frizzy, your mascara will run and the kids will get muddy. That's not what you had in mind for your family images is it?!
So let me set your mind at ease.
Ignore the long range forecast
My speciality as a Surrey family photographer is capturing natural family photos in the great outdoors. So trust me when I say I keep an incredibly close eye on the weather forecast! And what I've become acutely aware of is the fact that the forecast changes constantly, by the hour even, and there really is no point in putting any stock in it until the day before at the very least. Even then...
What if rain is forecast?
I will keep a watchful eye on the weather in days leading up to the shoot. If heavy rain looks set to make it a washout, then we will simply reschedule your family photoshoot. Free of charge of course. Most times we manage to do the session within a week or two of the original date.
But you'd be surprised at how infrequently I actually have to reschedule because of the weather!
I have a plethora of weather apps that provide local information on rain. When it's coming. When it's stopping. How heavy it will be. I even get moving radar maps. So we might find that actually, yes, on the whole it's going to be a very wet day. But during the time we've got our session planned for, it's going to be dry. Hallelujah!
But it's going to be cloudy! I want sunny photos!
Well blue skies and bright sunshine does certainly seem like the ideal doesn't it? But it's not, not really. You may not realise it, but most photographers actually prefer a bit of cloud. When I see that the forecast is for overcast skies, I do a little happy dance. And that's because those overcast skies provide a beautiful soft, even, flattering light for family photos. So don't feel disappointed, it's actually a good thing.
When a photographer looks up and sees that big yellow sun hanging in a cloudless blue sky, there's a actually a little sigh of disappointment. Because what you get is strong light and harsh shadows and that just makes it all little trickier.
I book my sessions as early in the morning as my clients can manage just in case it is super sunny. I don't want the sun high in the sky, making you squint and casting shadows across your lovely faces. On a sunny day I will actively seek the shade. So you see, those clouds are actually doing us a favour.
So does a dull sky mean my family photos will be dull too?
Nope! I know what you're thinking. Dull skies equals dull photos. Not so. Taking the photograph is just the start of it. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes after the shoot. Photographers have a vision for their work. A particular editing style.
My editing style is warm and natural. So even on the dullest of days, by the time I've finished with your images, they will be just that. Warm and natural, just like your family!
All of the images below are from sessions that took place on the dullest of days when the weather almost put paid to our plans. And look how lovely they turned out!
The gorgeous maternity session that almost never was
We very nearly cancelled a maternity photoshoot on the morning it was scheduled for. Mum messaged me in a panic when she got up and opened the curtains to be greeted by a heavy downpour. But after consulting the rain radar on my weather app, I could see it was just a passing shower and that clear skies weren't far behind.

By the time I got there it was glorious. And because we met early at 8am, the sun wasn't high enough in the sky to cause us any problems. This was one of those super super hot days, even at 8am, and there were some pretty epic thunderstorms later that afternoon. So we timed it just right! And I'm so glad we didn't cancel it because this was one of my all time favourite sessions.
Booked a Family Photo Shoot Outdoors? Don't stress about the weather!
There are many worries mums have about booking an outdoor family photoshoot. Now we've set your mind at ease about the weather, why not take a squizz at the posts below that cover other common queries I get?